
Join the Movement.

Support Angel Guard Fashion in bringing peace to the world. 

With our innovative fashion – self defense and technology, we will build a new attitude toward safety. By going to the farthest reaches of the world and supporting peace through self-defense and our angel response system, we will create a new frontier in the prevention of violence, becoming one of the top social impact companies.

Partners We Are Looking For

Rising Angels

social impact companies become a rising angel

Join us in distribution of Angel Guard Fashion bracelets to one town around the globe. Define one area you are passionate about and we will set up the process to protect families. In return, you receive 1 year of advertising from Angel Guard Fashion.

Gold Angels

social impact angel

Join us in distribution of Angel Guard fashion bracelets to one region around the globe. Define the area you are passionate about and we will set up the process to protect families. In return, receive 1 year of Gold Angel advertising from Angel Guard Fashion.

Platinum Angels

the end of violence angel guard fashion

UJoin us in distrubtion of Angel Guard Fashion bracelets to one country around the globe. Define one area you are passionate about and we will set up the process to protect families. In return, you receive 2 years of advertising from Angel Guard Fashion.

Regions of Focus

If there is an area that angels are interested in sponsoring, then they are welcome to contribute in the way they see fit.

If not, then criteria to sponsor a region or country will be as follows:

1. Global Peace Index. The above map shows the places which are the most dangerous to be in based on violence. Red regions are the highest in crime rates. Focus countries will be identified from this first.

2.  Amount of Assistance Provided. An analysis will be provided to angels to determine the cost, time and efficiency of providing support within each region. This will identify a clear strategy to begin reducing violence within the region.

3. Resources. Angel Guard Fashion is available in countries such as Europe, the United States and other prosperous regions. Support will be provided to third world countries and emerging nations that may not be able to access app support or fashion items for self-defense, specifically to continue to rise as one of the top social impact companies.

What You Get by Being a Sponsor

We want every angel to benefit by working with Angel Guard Fashion. When you become a sponsor, you also set yourself on the stage as an angel who is committed to ending violence, trafficking, kidnapping and other crimes around the world.

Our basic ad package includes:

  • Continuous PR related to your sponsorship region
  • Promotion on our social media channels
  • Content writing on our blog and other channels that promote you as a sponsor
  • Live events (platinum only) that feature you to send more angels around the world

And more!

To see our complete advertising package by angel, contact us now and be a part of the best of social impact companies.

What Your Sponsorship Does

We use a direct action plan to ensure that your sponsorship goes to the right vicinity and that it gets results. As soon as you become an angel, we start to act and create momentum in regions that need support in lowering violence. Here’s where your sponsorship goes:

  1. Your sponsorship equals a certain number of bracelets that are made for your region based on the population of women and children.
  2. Authorities and / or local support groups are contacted to download the app and support our end to violence.
  3. A representative of Angel Guard Fashion (under supervision), is sent to the region selected.
  4. Women and children are given bracelets and trained in basic self-defense.
  5. Authorities are shown how and when to respond to app calls, all which the bracelets are connected to.
  6. We monitor how many times the bracelets are used and how effective they are to assist in reducing violence as the best of social impact companies.

Our 5 Year Goal

Within 5 years, we expect to reduce violence by 25%. This includes assault and harassment in all forms.

By monitoring the effectiveness of Angel Guard Fashion in given regions, we will be able to determine what the power is of each angel. This allows us to improve and monitor our goals and to achieve prevention and a movement to peace.